The Will County Sheriff’s Department, in cooperation with the law enforcement agencies throughout Will County, Illinois, have created this website to share with the public the list of outstanding warrants.
It is our hope that you might know or recognize a person on this list, and share what you know with us, so justice can be caried out in our community.
Active Warrants for Will County
the numbers above are updated daily by the Will County Sheriff’s Department. Help us reduce the numbers.
Look through the list or explore the map, and if you recognize someone, share what you know with us.
Fill out our information form. From the list or the map, click on the individual’s details. You’ll find a link to the form with the details. We’ll auto-fill-in the details. It’s easy, you can be anonymous if you wish, and you’ll be helping your fellow residents in the process.
Have You Seen Any of These People?
The four individuals pictured above were selected at random from our list of outstanding warrants. If you know them or have seen them recently, we ask that you share what you know. Click the “Details” button to see the information we have on the individual, then add to it by filling out our information form. You can be anonymous if you prefer. See a list of all the warrants here, and see a map of your community with pins for the last known whereabouts of individuals close to your location here.
Answers to Your Questions
What is a warrant?
A court order authorizing your arrest for a crime you have committed.
What if I have a warrant? I’m afraid to find out!
If you are aware that you have a warrant or suspect that you do, it is to your benefit to take care of it immediately…
These and other Frequently Asked Questions are answered on our FAQ page.
Help Us Find Them
Search By List
Look through the list of warrants, sort by name or city or type of offense. If you find somebody you might know, click the icon to get details.
Search By Map